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Regular Price
All Hours except when Haunting
General Admission - $12.00 (3 and under free with paying adult)
Includes Maize and all attractions except Pumpkins, Axe Throwing, and Concessions
Haunting Hours
Fridays & Saturdays after 6pm in October
General Admission - $15.00 (3 and under free with paying adult)
Includes Maize and all attractions except Pumpkins, Corn Cannons, Axe Throwing, and Concessions
Pumpkin Patch
Prices range from $4.00 - $15.00 depending on size
Pumpkin Patch
Under age admittance policy reminder:
All visitors under 21 yrs of age must have photo Id to gain admittance without a chaperone 21 or older. Chaperones must be in hearing distance of guests under the age of 15 at all times while on site.
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